
Peace and Calming Oil


Experience the aroma and spirit of mother nature in every drop of MBS Harmony Peace and Calming Oil which contains a blend of the most potent healing compounds formulated based on extensive research and analysis on pranic healing, human anatomy, physiology, and psychology, and the energy science of the chakras.

Pain Oil consists of a concoction of oils possessing healing energies and works collectively to create a balance between the chakras in our bodies. Furthermore, it assists in promoting a calm and composed state of mind and uplifts the spirit within oneself.

Bid farewell to all sorts of conflicts and agitations and welcome a serene and blissful life.


Physiological benefits:

  • It helps to alleviate pain caused due to headaches or migraines.
  • The oil quells inflammation.
  • It helps to create a sense of peace and harmony.
  • It helps to enhance sleep patterns.
  • It can be used as an antiseptic.
  • Reduces the effect of morning sickness in women by relieving nausea.

Psychological benefits:

  • Its soothing aroma helps creates a relaxed environment for meditation, study, and bedtime.
  • It helps children to overcome a hyperactive day and makes them feel at ease.
  • It positively triggers the nervous system and can completely change the way we respond to stress.

10ml, 30ml

Method of Usage

Massage oil: Add three to four drops of MBS Harmony Peace and Calming Oil to 10 ml of any carrier oil and gently massage your temples and neck using the oil mix.

Hot bath: Add three to five drops of MBS Harmony Peace and Calming Oil and one cup of Epsom salt to your bathtub and relax in it for a few minutes. This can be done every day as a part of the evening calming routine.

Diffusion: Add three to five drops of MBS Harmony Peace and Calming Oil to your diffuser and diffuse your room for 40 to 60 minutes once or twice every day. This creates a calm and pleasant atmosphere.

Inhalation: Add two to three drops of MBS Harmony Peace and Calming Oil on the palm of your hand and gently rub your hands together. Now, by cupping your hands around your nose, perform five cycles of deep breathing. Its scent is rejuvenating and is perfect for mornings before a hectic day.

Research Paper



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