
Muscles & Joints Pain Oil


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The MBS Harmony Muscles & Joints Pain Oil is a pure and potent blend of aromatic essential oils crafted based on extensive research and analysis on pranic healing, human anatomy, physiology, and psychology, and the energy science of the chakras from top-notch ingredients.

Muscle pain, sore muscles or joint pain can be caused due to a wide range of reasons, varying from a heavy workout to the weekend bones/muscles. Pain in the physical body is generally associated with disturbance in the chakras.

Fortunately, the MBS Harmony Muscles & Joints Pain Oil possesses the unique quality of being able to penetrate and help correct the imbalance in the chakras. Thanks to its cooling and invigorating effect, it helps alleviate pain and reduces inflammation.

Bid farewell to all sorts of physiological and psychosomatic pain and welcome a pain-free and wholesome life.


  • It helps to strengthen nerves, muscle mass and ligaments. It is highly beneficial in reducing inflammation and stiffness of muscle mass and joints.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation: The Oil helps release the pain caused due to heavy physical exercise, muscle cramps, and muscle spasms by improving blood circulation to the affected area.
  • Aids in Physiotherapy: It is recommended to use the Muscle and Joints pain Oil during physiotherapy sessions since it reduces pain and aids in the faster recovery of the muscle and joints.
  • It helps to decrease continual inflammatory arthritis and increase the range of motion in infected joints. It also assists in reducing painful joint disorders and frozen shoulders.

10ml, 30ml

Method of Usage

Direct Application: Add three to four drops of MBS Harmony Muscles & Joints Pain Oil to 10 ml of any carrier oil and gently massage the area of uneasiness/pain using the oil mix. This assists in decreasing muscular or joint pain.

Diffusion: Add three to five drops of MBS Harmony Muscles & Joints Pain Oil to your diffuser and diffuse your room for 40 to 60 minutes once or twice every day.

Research Paper




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